OpenWIS® - a tool for WIS implementation OpenWIS®, an open source system bringing WIS compliance for NCs (National Centres), DCPCs (Data Collection and Production Centres), GISCs (Global Information System Centres).

OpenWIS®- developed by several National Meteorological Services and one Service Provider OpenWIS® was started by the National Meteorological Services of France an the United Kingdom, and one Service Provider (MFI). Recently, the National Meteorological Services of Korea and Australia have joined the OpenWIS Core Founders.


OpenWIS®-a single solution for GISC, DCPC and NC OpenWIS® will come with standard configurations: OpenWIS® / GISC, OpenWIS® / DCPC and OpenWIS® / NC, either individually or combined


  • Enhanced International position Because WMO Information Sytem (WIS) is becoming true, new role with WIS are currently distributed over all NMSs: GISC, DCPC, NC.Each NMS has to apply with WMO to get the suitable position in the WIS community, fitting with its current and future capability.
  • Strengthened position in the country Application to DCPC position may also help you secure a National Weather and Climate Centre for the benefit of the research community and governmental organizations.
  • Optimized IT Infrastructure WIS Project is a unique opportunity to aslo review and upgrade your Meteorological Information System, at least as far as Central Data Management is concerned.


  • WIS is becoming a standard and respects the WMO guidelines
  • WIS is the result of a combined work with MFI, METEO FRANCE, Met Office, Korean meteorology Administration, Australian Bureau of Meteorology.


OpenWIS®- open source software to secure the future

OpenWIS software will deliver key functions for WIS compliance meeting WMO requirements. Thanks to the long term commitment of the OpenWIS Core Founders and to the open source character of the software, OpenWIS® will be a sustainable component of WIS over the next decades.
Early involvement of a service provider ensures that help will be available for other WMO members to integrate OpenWIS® with their own systems.

OpenWIS®- integrated on top of NMSs’ core systems

OpenWIS will interact with NMSs’ existing telecommunication and information systems.
OpenWIS® design is generic enough to interface any IT architecture in the world. WIS candidate centres will have to integrate OpenWIS® on top of their existing core systems.

OpenWIS®- available by WMO Congress 2011

Core Founders will be running OpenWIS® in a pre-operational environment for WMO Congress 2011, OpenWIS® software is expected to be released as open source to the meteorological community after software validation by Core Founders and setting up of appropriate open source management structure.


Maintain and synchronize 24h cache of data: OpenWIS® will include a database of current global operational data (the ‘Cache’) for exchange, replication and synchronization with other centres.
Synchronize metadata: Using internationally recognized standards, OpenWIS® will synchronize its metadata catalogue with associated GISC centres.
Maintain and publish metadata: OpenWIS® will maintain metadata associated with data and products. OpenWIS will enforce the WMO Core Metadata profile ISO19115 standard. OpenWIS® will upload metadata to DCPCs and GISCs.
Supply data on request: OpenWIS® will provide push and pull mechanisms, in order to extract data and products from the underlying information system.
Routine data supply: Through subscription and scheduling, OpenWIS® will provide mechanisms for routine data dissemination.
Manage users: OpenWIS® will provide user management with data policies and user roles, to control access to data and products.
Interface to internal system: OpenWIS® provides generic functions designed to be interfaced with telecommunication and information systems. Those generic interfaces will need adaptation in most NMS, because of the diversity of such underlying systems.


  • Normal & standby PC computer with XP Pro OS and application software
  • Automatic Switcover
  • Set of Modems (GSM or PSTN)
  • GPS for time synchronisation (if no time reset is present otherwise)